I've got a hunger
Twisting my stomach into knots
That my tongue was tied off
My brain's repeating
"if you've got an impulse let it out"
But they never make it past my mouth.
(Death Cab for Cutie)
I keep coming up with these great blog posts.... composing them in my mind... usually when I'm stuck in traffic (or a staff meeting). But I can never find the time to write them out.
If I could get them past my mouth and onto the screen these topics would include:
filters, two vs. three dimensions, loneliness in the church, the future, life and everything, a rundown old house, music's effect on my soul, my coworkers nicknames, a hunger for art, the importance of absence in life, the psalms, perfectionism, my moleskin, the great schism, painting, the Chick Magnet, Levi Weaver, composing, gymoholics, online quizzes, marriage vs. singleness, redemption, god-in-a-box, regret, pain, missing people, absence, joy, laughter, pumpkins, Unbound, congas and other drums, all the great questions of life, and oatmeal.
The blog in my head is amazing! If only I could let you all inside.