Thursday, July 17, 2008

Trust; A Pledge of

As some of you know, for reasons I would rather not discuss, I am slowly working my way through playing an entire hymnal on the piano. Since I am not a piano player this is a rather painful experience for both my and God's ears. But that is the whole point - I'm doing it because I can't do it and the only way to be able to do it is .... to do it.

Thus far (with a few exceptions) this has not been an particularly worshipful experience. This is merely an exercise to become a better player of piano. But last night I actually read through one of the responsive readings in between the hymns and it got to me (especially the last part). It is fitting for dealing with the frustrations of learning a new instrument and learning how to live.

I thought I would share it with you because I'm just that nice:

A Pledge of Trust

Father, during this coming week there may be times when I shall not be able to sense your presence or to be aware of your nearness.

When I am lonely and by myself
I trust you to be my companion.

When I am tempted to sin
I trust you to keep me from it.

When I am depressed and anxious
I trust you to lift my spirits.

When I am crushed by responsibility and overwhelmed by the demands of people on my time,
I trust you to give me poise and a sense of purpose.

When I am rushed and running
I trust you to make me still inside.

When I forget you
I trust that you will never forget me.

When I forget others
I trust you to prompt me to think of them.

When you take something or someone from me that I want to keep, when you remove the props I lean on for comfort in place of you; when you refuse to respond to my questions and to answer my too-selfish prayer, I will trust you even then.


(written by Bryan Jeffery Leech)