Wednesday, December 26, 2007

This happens every once in a while, I am suddenly struck with how small I am in the grand mess of it all. This time it happened while I was scanning paperwork.

Someone I have never met and will never ever know anything about (besides his social security number) signed his paperwork on my sister's birthday.

He has never met my sister, the thought that it was her birthday never crossed his mind while he was signing his paperwork. But he signed it and we celebrated the same day.

I probably did something unexciting on his birthday too. I did other menial things of all the birthdays of the people that are important to him that I will never know about. The world keeps going with all of us strangers wandering around living our own lives not knowing a thing about who each other really are.

(I think this is why I like crowded public transportation in big cities - it forces us to be around people we would never even know exist otherwise)


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